Post office and Torrevieja postal code

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The “Correos and Telégrafos” (Post-office) head office located in Caballero de Rodas 55  street gives service at the following times:
Monday to Friday, from 08:30 to 20:30
We recommend to go between 15:00 and 17:00 for it is more quiet and less people.

The delivery and distribution of the post is daily.
Urgent post has a special service during 12 hours everyday.
The delivery times are approximately of three days for national post and around seven days for international post.

In Torrevieja, besides the head Post-Office located in the Caballero de Rodas street, there are two other branches for public at:

– Head: In Torrevieja, at 55, Caballero de Rodas street.  Telephone and fax number 965 710 679

-Branch 1 in La Mata, at 8, Purificación street. Telephone and fax number 966.922.718

-Branch 2 at El Paraíso urbanisation, at 37 Desiderio Rodríguez Avenue. Telephone and fax number 966.702.022

New postal codes go from 03181 to 03188 according to the following distribution:

03181 amd 03182 for the centre of Torrevieja, from Apolo street a new code starts.

03183 for the area between the ring road and the coast.

03184 for La Loma, Torreta, Doña Inés, Jardín del Mar, Torre Almendros, Lago Sal, El Limonar, La Siesta, El Mirador and San Luis.

03185 for the area between the “Estación” Avenue, the industrial area of Las Salinas and the “Torrevieja” Avenue (next to Los Balcones).

03186 for  Los Balcones.

03187 for  Los Montesinos.

03188 for La Mata.

2 thoughts on “Post office and Torrevieja postal code”

  1. How can I get packet from the Post office after I have left Spain. Is ther some form Í can use to let other persona pick up my parcel from you ?

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