3.1 magnitude earthquake in San Miguel de Salinas

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The earthquake occurred today at 5.51am, with an aftershock minutes later, it was widely felt in numerous locations in the Vega Baja.

The epicenter was located eight kilometres deep in La Marquesa, according to the location map of the tremor.

In some areas, such as Torrevieja, the Orihuela Costa and Almoradí, the 3.1 magnitude tremor was felt by many people, some commenting on the strength of the earthquake with reports of furniture moving and swaying during the tremor.

Two minutes after the first earthquake, a magnitude 2 aftershock occurred very close to the initial epicenter.

Almost 2 centuries ago, Torrevieja suffered a great earthquake

On March 21, 1829, an earthquake of 6.6 degrees on the Ritcher scale, devastated Torrevieja and several locations in the Vega Baja. This earthquake caused 389 deaths, 32 of which were in Torrevieja.

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